Waste Management
Here you will find the most basic information about how to deal with the different kinds of waste that a normal household produces.

Residual Waste
Residual Waste (Restaffald) is the waste that you put in your bin, when you have separated it from your food waste and recyclable waste.
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Food Waste
Food waste of any kind, both raw and cooked. It's bread, meat leftovers, vegetable peels et cetera.
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Household Recycling
In the Municipality of Randers we collect your paper, cardboard and packaging for recycling.
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Recycling Centres
At the four recycling centres in the Municipality of Randers you can deposit waste which is not household waste or unhygienic waste.
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Municipal Kerbside Collection - Bulky Waste
You can make use of our municipal kerbside collection, when we collect bulky waste in your district.
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Hazardous Waste
Waste, which can be damaging to the environment or signifies a health risk, must be discarded as hazardous waste and always in accordance with legislation.
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