Residual Waste

Residual Waste (Restaffald) is the waste that you put in your bin, when you have separated it from your food waste and recyclable waste.

Examples of this could be hoover bags, empty toothpaste tubes, crisp packaging, or anything else which can't be recycled. It is also nappies, pizza boxes and bathroom waste. Please keep in mind that batteries and chemicals should always be handled as hazardous waste.

What will it cost me?

Use the self-service

With our self-service Mit affald (My waste) you can check which containers are allocated to your address. You can also see when we come to collect your different bins, change your bin size and collection frequency, and you can join our text service that let you know when you can order curbside collections and much more.

Another possibility is our app AffaldRanders, which you can download via App Store or Google Play for free.

Do not overfill your bin

You should never overfill your bin. You risk that we do not collect it. We always recommend the double-bins. They have a greater capacity and they are generally also cheaper. We have two kinds of double bins (where you separate into two compartments). One is for food waste and residual waste and the other one is for glass and metal in one compartment and in the other compartment plastic (both soft and hard) plus food- and beverage cartons. The third bin is for paper and cardboard. The cardboard should be ripped in smaller pieces, or it will potentially get stuck. If that happens we can't empty your bin. The paper and cardboard bin is only emptied every 4 weeks.

The better you are at separating your different kinds of waste, the more space you have for your different kinds of waste. It can also save you money if you can make do with a smaller bin or change from a weekly collection to one every fortnight instead. This guide shows you what should go in the different fractions.

Don't worry - it's quite simple once you get started!

It may all seem a bit complicated, but it really isn't. We know this from the people, who have already started sorting their waste into the different fractions.

If we can't collect the bins as planned, we will inform you about this on, as well as in the press and local radio.

You don't have to worry - we will still collect your bins. It may not be on the actual public holiday, but perhaps a few days in advance or just after. The app 'AffaldsApp' can tell you exactly when.

In winter you can check whether snow is causing delays or cancellations on our bin collections at

You have to ensure that the bin collectors have free access to collect your bins. In icy conditions it is your responsibility that the access to collect your bins is free of ice (and snow) to ensure that your bin collector can do his work safely.

It is only the owner of a property who can register, cancel or change the collection frequency or the number of bins allocated to a certain property.