Household Recycling

In the Municipality of Randers we collect your paper, cardboard and packaging for recycling.

Every single household must have at least two bins for the recyclables: one bins with glass and metal in one compartment and in the other compartment plastic (both soft and hard) plus food- and beverage cartons. This is emptied every 3 weeks. 

The second bin for recycables is for paper and cardboard. The cardboard should be ripped in smaller pieces, or it will potentially get stuck. If that happens we can't empty your bin. The paper and cardboard bin is only emptied every 4 weeks.

Bins for recycling do not cost anything - not even an administration fee. You can have as many bins for recycling as necessary. The bins have to be placed in the same place as your household waste bin. 

NO! We don't mix it all up!

The bin lorry that collects your waste is divided into two compartments. This is why your bin is also divided into two. So there is no excuse for not doing it properly.

For a better and healthier work environment your recycling should be scraped clean of food.

Don't worry - it's quite simple once you get started!

It may all seem a bit complicated, but it really isn't. We know this from the people, who have already started sorting their waste into the four types of household waste.

Packaging made out of glass should be collected in your recycling bin together with metal.

You should recycle all empty and clean glass jars and bottles without their lids. The metal lid should be put in the same bin as the glass, but they are a separate fraction.

Examples of Glass For Recycling

  • Marmelade and jam
  • Olives
  • Mushrooms
  • Artichokes
  • Pickled beetroot and cucumber
  • Red Cabbage
  • Mustard
  • Wine and spirits bottles

To ensure a clean and healthy work environment make sure you've scraped the containers free from visible food remains.

You can put the following metal items in the recycle bin together with glass.

  • Empty soda and beer cans (preferably crushed, as they take up less space this way)
  • Tins, if scraped clean
  • Aluminium trays, but only if scraped clean
  • Bottle tops
  • Jar lids
  • Aluminium tea light candle cups (a small amount of candle wax is allowed)
  • Clean aluminium foil (scrunched up)

To ensure a clean and healthy work environment make sure you've scraped the containers free from visible food remains.

Interesting Facts

We can save 90-97 % energy by recycling aluminium instead of extracting new aluminium.

Every year in Denmark alone we throw 13.500 tons of aluminium straight into the bin. That's aluminium enough to produce 5 million bicycles - almost one for every Dane!

You can put all your plastic bottles, tubs and containers in the recycle bin along with food and beverage cartons - just as long as they are empty and scraped clean.

Examples Plastics

  • Laundry Detergent bottles (empty and rinsed once)
  • Ketchup and mustard bottles
  • Shampoo bottles
  • Soft drink bottles
  • Screenwash container
  • Meat trays
  • Biscuit trays and packaging foil
  • Vegetable and fruit plastic trays and bags
  • Flower plant pots free of dirt
  • Plastic foil
  • Plastic bags

All of the above should be empty and scraped clean where possible.

You can also squeeze the air out of them to make more room in your recycling bin. If you pierce the container it's easier to do so.

If you collect little plastic bits and bobs for recycling, please put them in a bigger plastic container that you are recycling anyway. 

To ensure a clean and healthy work environment make sure you've scraped the containers free from visible food remains.

Food and beverage cartons should be collected in your bin together with plastic.

Examples of food and beverage cartons:

  • juice cartons
  • milk cartons
  • soup cartons
  • tomato passata cartons

You should recycle all empty your food and beverage cartons.

Examples Of Paper For Recycling

  • Writing paper and envelopes
  • Newspapers, magazines and advertising (as long as it free of food and dirt)
  • Printed matter
  • Thin carton, like cornflakes boxes (empty) and toilet paper rolls
  • Post-it notes and receipts
  • Cardboard boxes, serrated cardboard

The Following Items Are Not Recyclable

  • Dirty paper (goes in the residual waste bin)
  • Pizza boxes (go in the residual waste bin)
  • Used kitchen roll and paper napkins (they go either in residual waste, when soiled, or food waste, if they have been used in food preparation)

Confidential Documents

At all four recycling centres we have secure containers for confidential documents.

Textile waste 

Textile waste should be collected in a clear bin sack. It can be collected vis the municipal kerbside collection 11 times a year. But you must book a collection, before we can pick up from your home address. You can book your kerbside collection here.

The textiles, though waste, should be clean and dry before they are put in a bin sack. They will be sorted by people, so we have to protect their work environment.