Municipal Kerbside Collection - Bulky Waste
You can make use of our municipal kerbside collection, when we collect bulky waste in your district.
We do this 11 times a year in all districts. All you have to do is book the service at the latest two working days prior to our planned collection date.
What Is Bulky Waste?
We collect movable property (home contents) for kerbside collection. By movable property we mean everything you may put on a removal van, for example furniture, cardboard boxes, iron, electronics and metal. You will have to collect the smaller items of the same group in clear bin bags. If the items are above 1x1x1 meter in size or weigh more than 20 kg, you should dismantle them where possible.
You will have to divide your bulky waste into four separated groups:
This Is NOT Bulky Waste!
- Construction waste (bricks and mortar, old windows, or kitchen elements)
- Garden waste
- Sanitary ware (toilets, bathroom sinks, tiles or porcelain)
- Pressure-treated wood
- Parasol bases
- Tyres or other car parts
You can get rid of your construction waste at one of our four recycling centres. Follow this link to find out more: Recycling Centres. If you are a business fees will apply.
Book A Collection
For us to make a collection you have to book it first. Follow the link and type in your address and house number. Don't forget to tick the box for the date you want your collection to take place.
If you have problems using the booking system, you can always book your collection by phoning +45 89 15 16 17 during office hours.
Remember that even though we are collecting in your district, you will still need to book a collection!
On The Day Of The Collection
Leave the items to be collected by the entry to your driveway - do not obstruct the pavement. We start early, so you can either leave your bulky waste out on the evening before or before 7 am on the actual day.
If you leave a bike for collection, please label it. That way the driver won't have to worry if he has picked up a parked bike.
And remember - leave your bulky waste in clearly separated groups as written above. Otherwise we may not collect.
We Didn't Collect?
If you have booked a collection of your bulky waste and we didn't show, or didn't collect all the items you had left for collection, please contact us.
You can contact us via this link - but it does require some knowledge of Danish:
You have to type in your address and house number, before you register your query.
Alternatively you can phone us at +45 89 15 16 17 during normal opening hours.
One reason for us not taking all the items left for collection could be that they have not been grouped or separated as described.