Upper Secondary Education
In Denmark, upper secondary education divides into educations giving access to higher education and vocational or technical education.
Upper secondary educations aiming for higher education
Which higher educations you get access to depends on your choice of upper secondary school and field of study. Four different types of upper secondary educations aims at qualifying the students for higher education.
A pupil must take an admission test if he or she has not taken the examinations required for admission to STX, HHX, HTX or HF.
Pupils who have not attended a Danish school may be admitted following a concrete assessment of whether they have qualifications corresponding to the requirements that must be fulfilled by pupils who have attended a Danish school. They may also be required to take an admission test.
Read more about upper secondary educations that gives access to higher education.
Vocational education and training
The Danish vocational education and training programs are educational programs that alternate between practical training in a company and teaching at a vocational college.
Those who have completed a vocational education and training program can immediately work within the line of industry or trade that is the focus of the program.
The target group of vocational education and training programs are not only students who come directly after obtaining basic school education but also adults with prior vocational experience.
The vocational education and training options in Randers can be divided into five categories:
- Technology, construction and transportation
- Office, trade and business services
- Care, health and pedagogy
- Food, agriculture and experiences
- Social and healthcare
It is also possible to take a vocational education with the so-called EUX. EUX means that you will have subjects on the same level as they do on STX, HHX, HTX and HF and get access to higher education in addition to the vocational skills.
In Randers, you can take the EUX at Tradium (Randers' combined technical and business college) or Randers Social & Healthcare College (Randers Social- og Sundhedsskole).