Looking for Employment
When you are looking for employment in Denmark, there are several employment-related search engines and job databases that can be useful.
You can find available jobs in Denmark on different job websites. In your search, you can specify either the city (Randers) or the region that covers both Randers and Aarhus (Midtjylland). You can also add the region that covers Aalborg (Nordjylland). To limit your search, you can choose specific job categories (for example, trade and service, information technology, social and health, etc.).
Most companies also advertise vacancies on their website.
Many people get a job through networking and not just by applying for the job. Thus, it is essential to have a good network. You can start building your network by setting up a profile on some of the popular networking related websites such as LinkedIn. You can also develop a broader network by taking part in different social activities. Whom you know is often as important as what you know.
Workindenmark.dk is the official website regarding international recruitment and has 2,000 to 3,000 vacancies in English from different Danish websites. At Workindenmark.dk, you can also get more information about job search in Denmark.
Recognition of qualifications
Before applying for a job, it is a good idea to get your qualifications assessed in Denmark. You can get an assessment of your foreign qualifications by sending an application to the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education.
CV and cover letter
Your job application should consist of your CV and a cover letter. Usually, you submit your CV and cover letter electronically. The company will contact selected applicants to be interviewed.
Read about how to write a good CV and cover letter at Workindenmark.dk.
Language skills
In Denmark, most people speak English, but it is still both helpful and important for you to try to learn Danish. A willingness to learn Danish can show potential employers that you are not afraid of challenges or hard work. In addition, the added benefit of a second (or third, fourth, etc.) language to your CV can set you above another applicant who may not have that skillset.