Insurance - Work and live in Randers


Here you find information about which rules apply to work related insurance, private insurance and health care insurance in Denmark.

Work-related Insurance

You are covered by your employer’s insurance in connection with your job. Your employer's insurance does not cover your leisure time.

Unemployment insurance is voluntary in Denmark. You can choose to register with an unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse).

Private Insurances

Most private insurances are voluntary in Denmark, but a few types are mandatory.

In Denmark, three insurances are mandatory by law:

  • Liability insurance if you own a motor vehicle
  • A dog insurance if you have a dog
  • Insurance against fire if you own real estate.

All other private insurances are voluntary. For instance basic family insurance (“familiens basisforsikring” or “indboforsikring”) that in most cases consists of:

  • Contents insurance covering personal property in the event of theft, fire or water damage
  • Personal liability insurance
  • Legal protection, covering lawyer expenses for certain legal matters.

In addition, it can be reassuring to have a private accident insurance.

It is advisable to shop around between the different insurance companies before purchasing as both price and coverage can vary. An insurance broker can help you examine which insurances it would be wise to take out for you and your family.

Proof of Insurance

When you are moving from your home country to Denmark, it would be a good idea to bring copies of any insurance policies that you carry. This provides proof of coverage and can help you negotiate lower rates with some insurances (such as vehicle coverage) or deal with issues about possible pre-existing conditions.

Health Insurance

Denmark has an extensive public healthcare system that offers free consultation and treatment at a local doctor’s, emergency wards and public hospitals.

If you live legally in Denmark, you are covered by the Danish health insurance system. Most examinations and treatments are free, but you need to register and get a health insurance card.

However, it is possible to purchase a private health insurance.

Read more about health insurance at

The Blue European Health Insurance Card

The Blue European Health Insurance Card is a free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This card ensures that you will be entitled to the same treatment as nationals of the country you are travelling in. That may not necessarily mean that treatment will be free, unless the citizens of the country you are visiting receive treatment for free. Thus, to avoid unexpected medical expenses, you should be sure to take out travel insurance before you go on holiday.

If you are covered by the Danish health insurance, you can order the card for free online.

Read more about the blue European Health Insurance Card and apply for it at