Newly Arrived in Denmark
When you move to Denmark, you must get a CPR number, MitID, tax card and a NemKonto and register your entry to Denmark.
Digital Post
If you have a Danish CPR number, you automatically receive Digital Post from public authorities.
The Danish Tax System
In Denmark, we follow the principle that all citizens use the public sector in some way, and thus all citizens must help pay for it.
Here you find information about which rules apply to work related insurance, private insurance and health care insurance in Denmark.
Your Spouse/Partner
Your spouse or cohabiting partner can apply for a residence permit in accordance with the Danish law on family reunification.
Here you find information on who you should call in case of emergency and how you should act in an emergency situation.
When you live in Randers Municipality, you can easily get around by bus, train, car, foot or bike, as we have a well-established infrastructure.